Monday 15 June 2015


Mmrf...mmmm... Oh, sorry! I have to mind my manners. It's just that these muffins, oh, they taste like a golden piece of heaven filled with chocolate chips!

If you're lost, I'll clear it out. As most of our class was at a netball tournament, Miss Barton, our student teacher, had planned out an awesome morning of baking, to follow a recipe for procedure writing. So Room 11 was baking... wait for it....

CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, I'm still on a sugar high.

Well, I have to eat more muffins! They're so good... Mmrf!

Thursday 11 June 2015

Harakeke Weaving

Throwing the flax leaf down in sheer frustration and utter anguish, I rose to my feet and screamed in exasperation. I truly could not get the hang of weaving Harakeke.

Hardcore concentration sweat stood out in beads on my forehead. My brain was throbbing with different patterns and finger work. Taupiri, who had such nimble fingers, was done with her first weaving step before I had even finished my first line!

 Room 11 was learning more about Maori traditions, so we were weaving Harakeke (flax).
We had gone through a little flax ceremony, and now we were weaving to get a feel of Maori culture.

But I was so infuriated! I was letting my frustration spill all over my flax, which had pretty much gone to shreds.

So, I started with a fresh leaf, and things started to take a right turn for the better, and take the exit out of Angry-ville.

At the end, I did get the hang of it, although, my flower still looked like a tornado had struck and it was the only victim.

It was a great experience, but I would not like to weave again!

Thursday 14 May 2015

Reducing our Carbon Footprint with Miss Chandra

"Stomp! Stomp! The Carbon Monster made a huge footprint on the earth. He needs to reduce his carbon footprint." This was the video going on about our carbon footprints. Today, we were in Room 17 with Miss Chandra, and we were discussing our carbon footprints.

Mine is probably neutral. I am an ecological user of carbon. So scrolling down the screen, I controlled the mouse and slowly clicked the options. I was extremely tense. Would I be an environment killer, or would I be saving the planet?

Ha! I only have to use 1 planet to fulfil and sustain all my needs. So I am neutral after all!

So save the environment and reduce your carbon footprint!

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Pests with Miss Spencer

"Aaaaahhhh!" The squeals and screeches of the other Room 11 girls deafened me as the possums were crawling up their legs and pushing them with their sharp claws.

Wonder what I'm talking about? I knew it! There weren't actually possums running around Room 15 and Miss Spencer. Well, as is obvious. But Room 11 was learning about pests and how they had an impact on our environment. For example, stoats, possums, rats, and even wild rabbits. I know, the cutest little things can be great threats to our environment.

So, getting back to the introduction, we were playing a little game where some of us were trees that ran from the eager possums ready to attack us, who, in this case, were some of the other Room 11 girls. There. That clear now? Good.

Did you know?

  • Possums and stoats feed on native trees, plants and animals.
  • Possums are protected in Australia.
  • Possums were introduced by the Europeans who came to New Zealand for their valuable fur.
  • Rabbits were introduced by the Europeans.
  • Stoats were introduced to kill the rabbits, but they killed other native animals and vegetation after that.
So save the environment! Go NZ!

Water Immersion with Mr Meikle

"Oh, yuck!" I could only hear this all around me as we were tasting water. We were in Room 16 with Mr Meikle today. Our job was to taste water and decide which was the bottled water. I tasted option B. Little droplets trickled down my throat and dripped from the roof of my mouth. I gagged. It tasted HORRIBLE! On the other hand, option B tasted more fresh and cool.

But option B was actually the oil-dripping, non-eco friendly option that took 7 million barrels of oil a year to create. And people don't even recycle them!

Did you know?

  • Bottled water costs 2,000 times the amount that tap water costs?
  • 30% of bottled water in the USA actually is just tap water?
  • Bottles just go to landfill or are shipped across the world, which uses even more oil?
  • Bottles are made of oil, which is non-sustainable?
So next time you're about to buy a bottle of water, think again!

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Buzzy Bee Science with Miss Mules

Yuck! Grease, fat, artificial flavouring and salt smothering my fingers and gathering in my fingernails, I was a bumblebee trying to find the nectar (or, in this case, a Fruit Burst), without noticing that all of the pollen (or in this case, the Twisties) were gathering on my fingers. My job was to collect nectar from the flowers and pollinate the next flowers to grow plants. Bzzzzzzz...

Room 11 was learning about the pollination process on Tuesday with Miss Mules. It was really interesting to learn about, and I built up my 'hive' of knowledge! Get it? Oh, it wasn't a good pun? Fine then.

This is the Pollination Process:

1. The bee searches for nectar in the flower and gets covered in pollen.

2. The bee then goes to the next flower and looks for nectar, and again gets covered in pollen.

This process keeps repeating.

Did you know that other creatures like spiders, wasps and butterflies can pollinate flowers too?

Sunday 10 May 2015

Cross Country - The Most Tiring Day of my Life!

My heart was hammering in my chest. Beads of sweat stood out on my forehead and my P.E shirt stuck to my tummy. Would I make it? Or would I stagger along and end up disappointing my whanau house, and making us lose?

Throbbing feet, aching calves, dry throat, these are the symptoms of Cross Country Fever. I was running my third lap of Cross Country on Thursday, and I could see the Whanau houses in the distance at the top of the hill, already egging me on. Just for their satisfaction, I sprinted up that hill and darted past Mia and Tiare once I had my third mark.

"On my last lap now," I reminded myself. My guardian angel on my right shoulder cheered me on and reassured me, telling me that I was just careering round the fence and was nearing the hill. On the other hand, or should I say, the other shoulder, the little devil was discouraging me, booing and flying in my ears and trying to get inside my head. Literally!

But I had run around the whole school 4 TIMES, and I was not going to let some teeny-weeny flaming devil get the best of me. Without thinking about saving my energy, I zipped past those flailing arms with a dazzling smile on my face. Yes! I had won a point for my Whanau house, and I had come 10th place. That;s pretty good, for me, in a class full of athletes.

I was so proud of myself. I'm definitely looking forward to Cross Country next year ... Or am I?